Mental health care plans in Lyrebird!

Mental Health Care Plans are here!

You can now automatically generate a personalised mental health care plan from Lyrebird with one click!

Under the “Documents” drop down post consult you will now see the “Mental Health Care Plan” option appear:

After clicking it, Lyrebird will then immediately begin typing out a personalised mental health care plan including all relevant headings!

For any information not included in the notes Lyrebird will still write out all headings for you to simply fill in after it has been typed out aiding compliance.

Pro tips to best use the MHCP feature:

  1. For parts of the MHCP you don’t wish to verbalise in the consult such as a Mental State Exam you can enter it into the “NotePad” function during the consult and Lyrebird will include all of this in your final notes and care plan.

  2. If no review date is specified in the notes or consult then Lyrebird will default to in 3 months time. You can change this by simply editing your preferences under the “Mental Health Care Plan” in the Documents section of Lyrebird

  3. The MHCP like all documents in Lyrebird is full customisable to your exact preferences. To learn how to completely customise your document click here

As always if you have any feedback or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out or just reply to this email!